
Writing Assessment 3 Voice

5 The writer speaks directly to the reader in a way that is individual, compelling, and engaging. The writer crafts the writing with an awareness and respect for the audience and the purpose for writing.

A. The writer connects strongly with the audience through the intriguing focus of the topic, selection of relevant details, and the use of natural, engaging language.

B. The purpose of the writing is accurately reflected in the writer’s choice of individual and compelling content, and the arrangement of ideas.

C. The writer takes a risk by the inclusion of personal details that reveal the person behind the words.

D. Expository or persuasive writing reflects a strong commitment to the topic by the careful selection of ideas that show why the reader needs to know this.

E. Narrative writing is personal and engaging, and makes you think about the author’s ideas or point of view.

3 The writer seems sincere, but not fully engaged or involved. The writing has discernable purpose, but is not compelling.

A. The writing attempts to connect with the audience in an earnest, pleasing, but impersonal manner

B. The writer seems aware of a purpose, and attempts to select content and structures that reflect it.

C. The writer occasionally reveals personal details, but primarily avoids risk.

D. Expository or persuasive writing lacks consistent engagement with the topic, and fails to use ideas to build credibility.

E. Narrative writing is sincere, but does not reflect a unique or individual perspective on the topic.

1 The writer seems indifferent to the topic and the content. The writing lacks purpose and audience engagement.

A. The writer’s ideas and language fail to connect with the audience.

B. The writer has no clear purpose, and the chosen style does not match the content or ideas.

C. The writing is risk free, and reveals nothing about the author.

D. Expository or persuasive writing is lifeless and mechanical, or lacks accurate information.

E. Narrative: The development of the topic is so limited that no point of view is discernable.
